May 28, 2012

Vote For My Quilt!!!

My entry to the Blogger's Quilt Festival has been nominated in the Favourite Quilt Photographer category!!! I had to check three times before I was sure that it was me lol! It's a double yay for me because that's combining my two loves! Quilting and photography!!! :)

If you'd be so kind as to head over to the voting page, scroll down and vote for my quilt please!!! :)

Thank you in advance heehee! :)


  1. I voted! With pleasure, I love the bright bold colours of this quilt, It looks so good. Congratulations!

    S x

  2. I did, as soon as the poll opened.

  3. Congrats!!! I voted. :D

    Hope you win!!

  4. That is so cool I love taking pictures and quilting. Sadly my taking pictures of quilts are not quite up to par but I am learning.

  5. Ah, yes! How I do love a good rainbow bundle! Thank you!


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