May 7, 2012

Hexagon Bib

I made a little hexagon bib for some friends of ours who had a baby nine weeks ago and were finally going to meet her. I saw on Facebook a few days ago that the mummy had mentioned being obsessed with bibs so I thought this would be a nice little gift.

I've never made a bib before so I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. I fudged up the placement of the dotty back (Can you believe wrong and right sides still screw me up?!?! Next time I'm using a solid back lol) so of course I only realised I'd placed them wrongly AFTER I'd trimmed everything and was about to flip the bib inside out. There was SO much swearing... so very, very much.

But it turned out pretty nicely and the proud parents are thrilled with it. Baby Liya has already blessed the bib with spit up and drool hehe I like to see things I make being used... Unlike my MIL's potholders which are still hanging on her cabinet doors!!! I told the parents I'd happily make more so please feel free to destroy this one :)


  1. That is so freakin' adorable! Did you make a bunch of hexagons and then cut the bib shape out, or use a pattern, or ???

  2. It looks soo cute! I might have to make one for my friend's baby who's 4 weeks old. Love the hexies! :)

  3. VERY cute! I made one similar but different, if you're interested... Super fun use of hexies!

  4. Beautiful! I love this, such a good idea for hexie's too!

    S x

  5. Very, very cute! I often make a couple of bibs and burp cloths as a baby, sometimes with a quilt too. Love the beside, I'll be trying that sometime.

  6. My first thought was "shut up!" and I'm not really the type to say that's saying something. This is awesome!

  7. So cute!

    Not the only one who screws up right side/wrong side. I have a lot of trouble when making bindings from solid fabric and usually have to rip at least one seam...


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