April 19, 2012

Half Square Triangle Quilt

I finished this half square triangle quilt a few days ago but then I forgot to take pictures. And then I forgot to process those pictures after they were taken. Brain. Like Swiss cheese.

I love these colours together :) Can you tell from my quilts lately that I've been spending a lot of time just kind of playing with my solids and making piles of colours I think would go together nicely? If you can't tell, this is me telling  you that I do. A lot.

I've had this bird fabric in my stash for the longest time and it was exactly the yardage I needed so I thought it was kismet.

I quilted in the ditch so I could try out my new ditch quilting foot. I love it so very dearly. There's a little plastic bit that you place in the ditch, and while you're concentrating on that, the quilting is happening in that very ditch. I highly recommend such a foot if you're fond of quilting in the ditch.

The binding is a fabric I've had in my stash a while too. I love how the dots aren't round, and they're not dispersed evenly so the effect on the binding is pretty lovely.

The quilt ended up measuring about 39" by 49" and is now available in the shop SOLD.


  1. So pretty! The aqua really pops. The binding is the icing on the cake. Hope your birthday cake was yummy!

  2. Very cool! I love the movement and the way the shapes appear before me as I look at it. It's a pinwheel! No ... an envelope!! No ... an hourglass!!! My eyes are happy just skimming over it :)

  3. I'm seriously loving the quilts you've made so far since you stopped doing customs!! Love the colour combo, once again =)

  4. I've been wondering about that foot! Thanks for the review and even better my local shop has a coupon for 25% of feet next week! Hope the birthday was fun!


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