April 16, 2012

Farro... F-A-R-R-O

On the way home from dinner one evening...

Hubs: "Do you need to stop anywhere before home?"
Me: "Yeah. Supermarket. I need to get farro."
Hubs: "What?"
Me: "Farro."
Hubs: "What?"
Me: "Farro!"
Hubs: "I can't tell if you're making this up."
Me: "I'm not! It's farro!!! F-A-R-R-O! Farro!"
Hubs: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

And here's what I did with the farro. (Please note that I'm a pretty lousy food stylist... look at all those stray bits... yeesh.) I made a warm salad with sauteed broccoli rabe and diced ham, then threw a couple of fried eggs on top. I didn't make a dressing because I kept the yolks runny so that was more than enough yummy goodness over the farro.

So now the hubs knows what farro is and won't think I'm playing a trick when I put it on the shopping list. He might get it wrong and buy something completely different, but at least he knows I'm not making shit up.


  1. haha. Farro is a good thing. YUM. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. In his defense, the whole time I was wondering what you were going to cook with an old west card game. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faro_%28card_game%29)

  3. Lol. I have some in the cupboard that I haven't used yet because I tend to have folks around who don't appreciate "new" or "different from potatoes". This might be the push I needed.

    Next time, say you need to pick up kamut, amaranth or teff and really blow his mind. :-)

  4. That is so funny! My husband and I had a similar conversation several months ago when I made a recipe with farro. My husband was very skeptical, but loved it in the end.
    Have you tried this recipe with farro? My husband and I and our three children loved it.


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