March 21, 2012

Changing Direction

I've come to a decision: I'm not going to take any more custom orders. After I finish my current list of custom orders, that's it. Maybe for a little while, maybe for always. We'll see.

I just want to go back to making quilts that are on MY to-do list. My stash keeps growing, and I've earmarked most of the fabric for projects that I never seem to have time for because I'm always making someone else's quilt. And I'm not complaining. It's a wonderful 'problem' to have. I've loved working with people to create quilts that'll live with them, but the dread has started to seep in, and I feel less enthusiastic every day. Plus it really stinks that when we go away on holiday, all I can think about is that I'm not home, working on a quilt for whomever.

It occurred to me that I was completely burnt out when I would go days and days without wanting to touch anything in my studio. I would go in there and poke at a couple of things and then walk out. I had to force myself to finish quilts because nothing I was doing was exciting me a whole lot. Sure I make things that I like, but it's frustrating not being able to do things you want. Instead I end up making the same thing over and over and over. That's my fault, for agreeing to do it. But it's also my fault if I let myself continue down this path that might lead me to not want to sew / quilt anymore.

My life. My rules.

And while I'm at it, can I just say that I love you guys. It continues to amaze me that you read what I write. I appreciate every comment, every email and you will never know what it means to me. And every time someone says hi in person, it's a giant thrill (I become a blithering idiot but that's half the fun, no?). I'm not the same person I was when I started this blog three years ago and I thank you for coming with me on this journey.

Alright. That's enough mush. Ahem.

I'm excited. I'm excited to do all the little projects I've promised my family and friends. I'm excited to be able to shake the little ideas from my head and let them come to fruition. Or just to be able to experiment! I'm mostly just excited to be able to be excited about everything I make again. No more dread. Life's too bloody short.

Ahhh I feel lighter just putting that into words :)

Edit: I've started taking on customs again, but at a slower pace. Please email me if you're interested, thanks!


  1. GOOD for YOU! I always enjoyed seeing your custom quilts, but they were what the customer wanted.

    You will now be able to let your creative juices flow for just yourself, and I can't WAIT to see what inspires YOU!

  2. Do what you need to do! I've had a couple custom orders lately and I find that at least it gives me a deadline so I'm not just wandering around distracted by all the pretty. But make yourself a list and jump in!

  3. Life IS too bloody short! A brave decision - I stand behind you!!

  4. It is so hard to make that step, but you will be relieved when you do!! Can't wait to see what you whip up in the future :o)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful plan. Go for it!

  6. Good for you. I am seriously so jealous. :) I can't wait to see your creations! The ones YOU want to make. :)

  7. You are soooo right! It has to be a huge relief and I can understand your excitement! When I make something for myself (which isn't too often) my husband is like- what, that's for you!! Something I too need to do something about. So, you go girl and do it with a BIG smile on your face!!:)

  8. Exactly right - your life, your rules! I can understand you coming to this decision. I don't think I could craft on demand (I'm far to selfish!) so well done for doing it as long as you did. Can't wait to see what you make in the future and am sure you've done the right thing!

    S x

  9. I'm looking forward to what's been on your wait list of things to do :)

  10. Rock on, Sista! More power to ya.

    Follow your bliss. You do what you have time and desire for. Hanging out your shingle for custom orders that aren't filling some need inside you is not conducive to the good life. And you deserve the good life. Gleyva on you for recognizing and exercising that wonderful little word of "no". I resolve to use it more often. :-)

  11. I have always said no to custom because I have so little time to do what I want. I'm happy you'll be doing your own thing too to Audrie and I am excited to see what you work on and come up with to share.

  12. woo hoo to learning to say NO. please teach me how someday! ;-) I'm excited to see what you'll make during this new chapter.

  13. I go through this every year! I find limiting myself to two or three custom orders a season keeps me challenged, but keeps a healthy production schedule and outlook as well.

  14. So excited to see what is in your own head : ) Blessings on you. That takes courage to say No.

  15. Yea! You're doing it!! I'm so happy for you!

  16. Good on you Audrie for recognizing a need for a change and acting on it!

  17. I so agree with you. Doing the same thing over for a customer can be soul crushing and it feels like it sucks the creativity right out of you. Make what you like and the customers will follow and you'll be able to find your balance again.

  18. I agree with what you are saying. When you are constantly sewing for someone else..leaving your own "me" sewing time aside, you start to get depressed and irritated. Stocking an etsy shop now and then is fun to sell your projects, but constantly sewing for someone else, egh.

  19. Yay you!! I've been a follower for at least two years and love reading your blog! All of it...the fun "life" stuff and the amazing quilt projects! FUN! Thanks for being you and for sharing with so many of us! :)


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