February 15, 2012

Patchwork Lap Quilt

I've finished another custom patchwork quilt! I've now got quite an arsenal of patchwork quilt fabrics, but I like adding several new ones to each quilt so they're not all exactly the same. 

The hubs was home when I had to photograph this, so I put him to work! :) It's awesome being married to me.

The binding is from Denyse Schmidt's Fabric Traditions line (I think it's from the very first line) and the back is a grey and white dot. I love grey and red together but for some odd reason, I don't often use that combo.

I love making these, and I'm sure you'll see plenty more of them on here :) They're super simple and quick to make but the only thing that slightly annoying is having to make all those many, many points meet. Doesn't always happen, but I try!

This one's off to a soon-to-be new mum in Colorado. I hope she spends many, many lovely hours with her little one under this quilt :)


  1. Your patchwork quilts always appear so comfy. Love that. What size are your squares?

  2. I could cozy up under that!! :) Very nice!!

  3. i love traditional patchwork and all the colors you used! :)

  4. Looks so snuggly Audrie and I love the binding!

  5. Finding it more and more difficult to decide what I'd like to commission from you one day!


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