February 22, 2012

Can't Live With Him, Can't Kill Him...

We were watching a recorded episode of SNL where Kate Upton and her boobies made an appearance, and this happened...

Hubs: "Who is THAT?!"
Me: "Kate Upton. She and her tiny bikini are on the cover of Sports Illustrated."
Hubs: "Wow. Is she married?"
Me: "I don't know. But YOU are. So there's that..."

Clearly his wedding band doesn't dig into his damn finger quite enough.

Picture from here.


  1. LOL. SO sounds like something my hubs would say! Only, his infatuation is with Shania Twain :P

  2. And you'd think they would at least learn to filter what comes out of their mouths......but no.

  3. Men! Can you imagine his reaction is the tables were turned and you were talking about some hot guy on TV?!!

  4. AHHHAHAAAHAHAHAAAA. [sighs. wipes tear from eyes. giggles. deep breath.] AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

  5. Punch Steve's crotch for me will you? Since you neglected to do so.


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