January 30, 2012

In The Studio

My studio is a MESS. I don't know how people keep their studios neat and tidy, but in my studio, if you lay something down, there it'll remain. Until I reach breaking point and everything gets put back in its proper place lest I lose my mind. I wish that happened more often. The breaking point part, not the losing my mind part. The latter happens on a daily basis.

I'm currently quilting that quilt you see laying on my cutting table. I'm not a huge fan of Kelly green, but it reminds me of my parents. It was the colour of their sheets for over a decade. So when my client chose Kelly green, I had to smile because it made me think of the endless hours we'd spent on my parents' bed watching telly, my sisters and I sat in a huge pile. And trust me, we spent many, many hours there. Mum always joked that we should just move into a one-room flat since we only ever seem to use her room hehe

Funny how the strangest little things make you smile and think of loved ones.


  1. Same problem (the caos and breaking point one). :)

  2. Wonderful how something you aren't a fan of can connect you to something you are. If only more things were like that...

  3. It cracks me up to look at peoples studios and see the same tools I have!

  4. So weird right? We had a proper living room but no matter what we were always in mum and dad's room watching tv hanging out or eating. Good memories.


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