December 26, 2011

On The First Day Of Christmas...

How was everyone's holiday? We had a very lovely Christmas at my in-law's, and of course we're still stuffed to the gills. Happily so though :) My family hosted a big Christmas dinner in Singapore, and I wish I could've been there too!

We had a beautiful roast beef for dinner and I was asked to make a red velvet cake for dessert. I always make it with extra icing whenever I make this for my MIL. The love she has for the cream cheese icing is bordering on scary. I mean, she asked for my plate so she could eat the icing I'd scraped off from my slice. Although I'm sure many of you think I'm the odd duck for scraping icing off my cake...

Then we popped in a DVD and snuggled on the couch. May I just suggest you not watch Friends with Benefits with your in-laws? The sex scenes are tres awkward and you sort of don't know where to put your hands.

Seriously, trust me.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a lovely time with family and friends. And happy Boxing Day where applicable! The hubs has today off, so I'm pretending it's because of Boxing Day lol


  1. Looks like you had a lovely, happy holiday! Great pics, as always. :-) And send some of that Red Velvet cake my way please. Heehee!

  2. Although the cake looks yummy it's the first ornament I'm coveting. Happy Boxing day Audrie,
    I am spending mine sewing and watching old BBC mysteries.


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