November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving: The Aftermath

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Still in a turkey coma? Still have pie seeping out your pores?

My MIL's turkey turned out beautifully! We almost dropped the bloody thing when we were transferring it from the roasting pan, and we aged several years.

We quickly recovered, and then there was a massacre.

Set the table... And yelled for the boys to please join us. Loudly and repeatedly.
They finally graced us with their presence, and it was suddenly turkey o'clock!

I do love me some turkey, but I must admit that it's more about the sides for me. This year we had mashed potatoes, mashed turnips, mashed butternut squash, corn and stuffing, of course. SO GOOD.

This year my MIL decided to give me Thanksgiving off and baked the pies... I still have Christmas duty though! :) She made a blueberry, the hub's fave, and a couple of apple pies. Mind you, there were only five of us...

And of course there was vanilla ice-cream. Because pie without ice-cream is just W-R-O-N-G. Just sayin'.

And after all the eating was done, we put up the Christmas tree! It's good to be short and little sometimes because everyone else went out to the shed to drag in all the Christmas decorations while I stayed in the warm house and umm... did nothing.

Ta da! All done! I've come to love this little tradition that the MIL and I have of decorating the tree after Thanksgiving dinner every year. Although this year I got chided for putting two red balls near each other. Hmph.

The hubs broke the tree topper last year so in its place, we hung a snowman face that's supposed to go on a doorknob. I offered to make a tree topper... Now I realise I don't know how.

She loooooooves snowmen so the tree and house are completely drenched in cute little snowmen.

And I don't help by adding snowmen to the collection. I made her this cross-stitch a few years ago and she hasn't taken it down since :)

Hope everyone had a lovely time with family and good friends!


  1. I love the cross stitched snowmen. So very cute! Do you remember the name of the pattern?

  2. Looks like a perfect Thanksgiving day to me!!!:) What a beautiful tree!! Thanks for sharing the great pictures!!

  3. So nice to see that I´m not the only person who´s in love with snowmen!


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