November 28, 2011


These two dorks have now been married four years. Whodathunk? The surprise isn't that I'm still married to the hubs -- it's probably the best decision I've ever made -- but I'm surprised I found someone I wanted to spend my life with at all. More importantly, found someone who willingly puts up with me. Sucker :)

Getting married for us was the only way we'd be able to stay together... And there was no way we could continue to be apart. It was unexpected and unlikely that we found each other, but when we did, neither was letting go. My moving here was a lengthy and tedious process, and quite costly. But if I had to go through it all again, I would in a heartbeat. He's worth it.

When I think back, I often wonder what our parents must've thought. The hubs proposed to me six months into our relationship, five of which we'd spent apart. We married 11 months later, having only spent three of those months physically together. Props to them for trusting us with our decision. I'm guessing it took a lot of tongue-holding and praying for faith.

Happy anniversary babe. It's fruits or flowers for our fourth anniversary gift, apparently. Please don't get me fruit. Just a nice, quiet dinner, you and me... okay?


  1. Congrats - from someone who still feels like after 30 years (I was a child bride)

  2. Happy Anniversary!! It only gets better so here's wishing you a lifetime of happiness!:)

  3. congrats!, such similar stories you and me?!. lol. where did you meet your husband?, we met each other in Japan and were inseparable. We were engaged at 6 months. i am quite sure our parents were freaked. but not a word was said?. and now 6 almost 7 yrs you think you'll move to Aus one day?.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both and glad you went with your heart.

  5. Congratumalations! Sometimes leaps of faith are the only steps worth taking.

  6. Happy 4th! My husband and I just celebrated 7 this year and we only spent 5 weeks together over a one year period and same thing, he came here, lots of paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork until I thought I would lose my mind. :) SO happy for you. Not everyone gets to meet their perfect match in life.


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