November 14, 2011

DS Sample Sale: Fun Was Most Definitely Had!

Shannon and I went to Denyse Schmidt's sample sale over the weekend, and oh boy did we have fun. We couldn't help ourselves, and bought sooooo many things. But they were difficult to pass up, especially at such great prices. Well that's our story, and we're sticking to it! :)

It was great to see all the quilts from the new book once again. Denyse's version of the Mariner's Compass (hanging on the wall) is one of my faves.

The red and white courthouse steps quilt hanging on the frame is my favourite from the new book, but I think my all time favourite of Denyse's quilt is One Big Square hanging on the wall. LOVE.

Lots of rummaging through scrap bins... soooo many goodies!

A little photo shoot going on outside the studio. I cropped the lady's plumber's crack out of the picture. I'm sure she appreciates it.

We put all our purchases in the car and returned for the quilting demo by Peace by Piece

(We were carrying so many bags on our way down that we caught the eye of a journalist who wanted to interview us about the art scene being revived in the Bridgeport area. I don't know if we made it into the article but if / when I find it, I'll share it here.)

They had a frame set up to teach whomever was interested in learning hand quilting. Definitely makes you wish you had enough time to hand quilt, doesn't it?!

A beautiful quilt that one of the Peace by Piece quilters was showing off.

While we were in Bridgeport, we popped into Toppings Cupcakes to grab some yummy cupcakes. They have their cupcakes naked, and you choose whatever frosting you'd like. A couple of my cupcakes had two different frostings because I couldn't decide hehe The chocolate cupcake with salted caramel frosting was SO GOOD. Which is saying a lot because I don't typically like anything caramel, but this was just done so very right. Yum. 

My haul...
- One queen Strings Attached quilt (it was pre-loved and only $50!!! What?!);
- One twin Spool quilt;
- Two small scrap bags;
- Four large solid scrap bags (they were only $5!);
- Seven plus yards of Kona Mustard on the bolt ($12!);
- Seven plus yards of a pink floral print on the bolt ($10!);
- A quilted bit that I've slapped some binding on and turn into a simple table runner (I'll show you soon, promise).

I'd be embarrassed by just how much I bought but I'm way too thrilled with what I got :) I'm demented enough to kind of wish I'd gotten more lol! Like I told Shannon's husband, don't judge! I'm so delighted that I went with Shannon (not that the hubs isn't great company) because it was definitely more fun to share this experience with a quilty friend :)


  1. Oh I am soooo sorry I missed this! Looks so wonderful. Going to put that on my calendar for next year. So nice to meet you on Friday Audrie, even if it was in the dark! Haha. Hope to run into you again soon.

  2. Score!!! Nice haul! You can't say no to $5 scrap bags and $12 for 7 yards of kona...

    That Mariner's Compass is so beautiful.... Completely my style.

    Glad you said no to crack. :)

  3. Looks like you had a great time--nice bargains, too! Wish I could've been there to say hi, but I had a geek's opportunity at the last minute--a videogame beta testing key! Maybe next year!

  4. I have just one word for you... JEALOUS! Sounds like you had an awesome time, and what a great haul!!

  5. I have SO many comments! First, your pictures are fantastic - I'm so glad I decided to rip off your pictures instead of taking my own - they're a thousand times better than mine would have been! Second, when I saw the picture of the baby photo shoot I immediately checked to see if the woman's butt crack was showing - then I actually LOLed when I read what you wrote and had to explain the whole thing to Chris. (I then continued to LOL while he looked at me like I had five heads.) Third, I was so excited to get everything into the house and roll around in my treasures that I forgot to introduce you to the boys...I figure, pointing to them from the car was enough...the goodies were more important anyway! (Oh, and he didn't judge - his only question was why I got a twin size quilt since we don't have a twin size bed - he thought I should have gotten two queens! I'm writing myself a note for next year!)

  6. What a great day! I love bargains and you got some wonderful ones. Thanks for sharing.

  7. That's an amazing haul. I'm so jealous!

  8. Hey Jealousy.

    SO. Darn. Awesome. Lucky Duck!


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