November 2, 2011

96 Hours And Counting

The ridiculous snow storm on Saturday is still wreaking havoc. We still have no power, no running water and no heat. I don't see crews working on our street at all and it still looks like a warzone. Thankfully we have a few places we can go to for showers, so that's something to be thankful for. Hopefully the next time I check in will be from my laptop in my warm house :) Hope everyone who's been affected by this storm is doing okay!


  1. Praying you get your power back soon. Just got ours back this morning. Lost it around 10pm on saturday night.

  2. Thanks for the update! Was worrying about you...

    Hope you get all your services back soon. Man, you've had a wacky year for weather out east!

  3. So sorry! Hang in there, hope it comes back on soon!

  4. Sorry to hear this! I can never quite understand why things like this happen in the US as frequently as they do. Puzzling, no?

  5. wow, that sounds rough! My Mom is living in Canada and I think maybe I should buy her a generator. Have you looked into that? Probably impossible to get right now... but perhaps would help in the event of another outage. I hope things get back to normal for you soon!

  6. Oh no! You're had horrible power issues this fall. Hope your house is back into the modern age with water and power soon!

  7. Feeling your pain, Audrie! Today is day 7 without power at home--I've been commuting to my mom's for a shower every morning before work. Hope we're both back to normal soon!

  8. Oh no! I hope your power was returned and the streets cleaned up. We were very fortunate here. The town has it's own power company who worked very hard so we weren't long without power and most of the fallen trees are now gone.

  9. Glad you made it to a hotel. Cross stitch on!


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