October 13, 2011

Tokyo Dreamer Camera Straps

I've been contemplating buying a camera strap because I'm not really fond of doubling as a walking Canon advertisement. (No offence, Canon. I heart you muchly.) I'd spied the Tokyo Dreamer camera strap on Making It Lovely a while ago and have been pondering ever since. I finally bit the bullet and hit the 'purchase' button.

No prizes for guessing that I bought the blue one :) Plus I like that the words kind of fade into the blue background. And I'm glad that little film case is detachable because otherwise, I know I'll get annoyed by it and be forced to chew it off.


  1. You know, my friend, Fay, got me the light gold strap last Christmas. COINKIDINK!!!!

  2. Love it. Totally jealous. And I don't even have a SLR.

  3. The little film pouch may double nicely for an extra battery... I'm sure you're a digital girl :)


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