June 27, 2014

What Shade Are You Blog Hop And Giveaway

Months ago, RJR Fabrics asked if I'd like some solids to play with and then blog about. Umm, yes please.

I've always loved RJR's cottons. Having worked in a quilt shop for over four years, I've had the privilege of handling a lot of different fabrics, and these just have a wonderful hand, so nice and soft. 

For my project, I chose the colours 265, 337, 221, 237, 217, 218, 169, 280, 292, 274, 283, 351 and 341.

In all honestly, I'd started something else completely scrappy... and then scrapped it. It looked very, very odd to me for some reason. I don't even remember what I did, I just remember not liking it at all.

Thankfully I hadn't gotten far, so I ended up making courthouse steps (what else is new!?) and thought the solids would do really well with bunching them in fours so it looks very graphic. I used prints for the centres so that it would give it a little interest, and I used a sketch fabric for one of the light greys. Mainly because I'd run out of colour combos and fabric. So now, it's a design element hehehe!

I think it'd make an awesome picnic quilt... if only I went on picnics or could bring myself to put the quilt on the ground and sit on it lol Maybe an indoor picnic with the hubs :) He's cute, I'll let him sit on the quilt and eat something... not drippy...

I used a sketch for binding too because I just love it for a binding nothing else seems to work. Plus I'd run out of solids, remember? Hehe!

If you'd like to have a peek at the wonderful projects my fellow quilters have made, you can go to the RJR Facebook page and have a browse :) And if you'd like to buy these yummy solids, Pink Castle Fabrics has a lovely selection! 

RJR Fabrics are very kindly giving away a FQ bundle of the solids I used so please leave a comment (with your email address!!!) if you'd like to win it! The giveaway is only open to US and Canada -- my sincere apologies, international peeps! I'll pick a winner at the end of next week! Good luck! :)


The winner of the FQ bundle is Bethany Martini! Congratulations!!!


Karen said...

oh how yummy! Thanks for the chance.

Nicole said...

Love the solids and the design. How did ypu get your edges like that? Thank you for sharing.

Diane said...

LOL - I actually like having my quilts used (and abused) - it gives me an excuse to make another one!

Patti said...

What lovely colors!

Lisa Wiesman said...

Love this! How did you get the edges like that

Cheryl Hammond said...

I love your finished quilt, and who can resist RJR fabrics?!!!! sayitaintsew10@yahoo.com

Lee said...

I love how your quilt turned out - especially the binding! thanks!

mascanlon said...

So fun Audrie! And I love this version of Courthouse steps, always nice to have our "go to " pattern.

VickiT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
laura said...

Love this quilt design in the solids!

Julie said...

You're so real - I appreciate that! Your sense of color and design is appealing. Thank you for the chance to win a bundle of fun!

VickiT said...

(sorry for deleting my first comment/realized I'd neglected to follow instructions with email)

This is such a pretty quilt with the colors used. I think the binding is my favorite. Beautiful job.

vburr at charter dot net

*Tyler* said...

Love the colors and design. Thanks for the chance :)

Carol said...

That quilt is so cool. I love it. I wouldn't want to put it on the ground for a picnic either. It is too beautiful.

Brenda seth said...

Love the colors...love the pattern. Nice to meet you!

Rebecca said...

Really love this!

LethargicLass said...

I think the colours you chose are great, and the pattern really makes them shine! caitlindevlin (at) hotmail (dot) com

Pamela said...

I love how you used the courthouse steps patterns for this! The quilt is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

cynthia said...

I love your courthouse steps! So gorgeous! I must make one!

Peggy said...

love it love it! Perfect pattern for a solids quilt (which I normally do not like) This one is exceptional!

pick me pick me


Jamie @ the Backless Shirt Blog said...

Not drippy. That would be what I'd have to serve my hubby, too! Beautiful quilt. Thanks for the giveaway. I use solids but have never tried these.
Jamierehmann at yahoo dot com

Carmen said...

I always love your work, Audrie -- thanks for all the constant inspiration!

Rina Mason said...

I love the colors and the design. It's so bright and happy. edrin1932(at)gmail.com

cakegirl said...

The quilt is beautiful. Thanks for a great giveaway.

mjb said...

This is a beautiful selection of colors!

Unknown said...

Really like you did with this. Would love to win.

Amy Verne said...

I would love to win the RJR Fabrics bundle!
Raverne at comcast.net

DianeY said...

Great colors and the courthouse steps are perfect for them

Unknown said...

I love how graphic it turned out. ThAnks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

love courthouse steps, and it looks great in solids.


@lutzcats said...

Love the colors popping!

wobblybobbin said...

What beautiful color play! Ebthorn-at-gmail-com

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Woohoo I am in Canada and totally enjoying this sunshine!! Air con is broken so we are embracing the fresh air!

Anna brown said...

anna brown ...happyness04431@yahoo.com........wow very pretty ...cant wait to get me some solids lol ty for giveaway .....

Unknown said...

Beautiful courthouse steps, and I love how you've used the colors! Give the hubs some peanut butter toast and coffee and let him have a little picnic inside. ��

Carol is Sewbizzy said...

I love the solids...love your design!...clinhart440@comcast.net

Quilting Tangent said...

Pretty colors. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com

Laura said...

I'd love to win that yummy bundle of solids! Thanks for the giveaway.

imatopper said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

EM said...

Didn't expect a giveaway at the bottom when I was searching for the comments, so I could say "I really love this quilt." I enjoy working with solids partially because I think they are timeless in a way that prints aren't. But you have a made a striking, beautiful quilt that I may have to make! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hello,oh so pretty and always needed by quilters! Thanks for your blog+giveaway!


Cecilia said...

I haven't tried making courthouse steps before, but now I want to after seeing your gorgeous quilt! Thank you for the giveaway and for sharing your quilt.

ceciliayoung at gmx dot com

bee said...

how fun! i love when running out of fabric or cutting wrong turns into a design element.

Teressa P. said...

Beautiful quilt! I love solids :) Thanks for the chance to win. alonzoteressa at hotmail dot com.

DebraKay Neiman said...

I love solids and these are so nice. I usually try to get some grey into a quilt too. Love your quilt too. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

quiltcrazylady said...

This quilt is so bright and cheerful. What a treat it would be to win the fabric and create something like it. Thanks for the opportunity.

Nancy said...

Love the quilt AND the colors - thanks for the chance to win!

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Love your quilt and love those yummy fabrics! Thanks a bunch for the chance to win! ☺

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

Joy said...

Love this!
Thanks for the chance to win :)

MamaT said...

I LOVE solids! Ttmarler@yahoo.com

Liz said...

Beautiful bundle, thanks for the giveaway! e dot chesebrough at gmail dot com

Maria said...

So pretty!! I love your color choices.

jeanne e. said...

this is a great giveaway...but more importantly...that is a most beautiful quilt!!! your courthouse steps have always been so inspiring. and i love the color-blocking on this one! thanks for the chance to win the colors.

peeper at maine dot rr dot com

ckitterer said...

I love the solids in Courthouse Steps! It is a lovely quilt to be used for picnics.

GranChris said...

I love the fabric. Your quilt turned out wonderful!

JANET said...

Love the quilt, and the color mixture! Stunning.

Serena said...

I love your quilt! It turned out great. I also love those fabrics, there are so many pretty colors to chose from.


terrieannie said...

I don't remember ever having the pleasure of RJR fabrics. This stack looks ever so yummy!

Kathy MacKie said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous quilt and lovely colors choices! Thanks for the chance to win!

rmkquilter said...

Love your blog, Audrie, and I really like the RJR solids. Fun!

kathy said...

love your blog for inspiration! these colors are pretty but really interested in how they feel. thanks for the chance to win them.

Emily C said...

Lovely quilt. I have not seen the steps before, very pretty.
ebbtide45 at yahoo dot com.

SashaGirl said...

Love the quilt. Keep the great ideas coming!

Venus de Hilo said...

I keep a picnic quilt in the car. Not that I picnic much, but I like to know there's a quilt at hand any time the urge strikes to grab a take-out sandwich or salad and go sit on the grass somewhere.

Kari V. said...

I seriously want your quilt! It's awesome!

Unknown said...

I love the graphic look of your quilt! Gorgeous!

RobotMomSews said...

I love the look of this quilt! I can't throw quilts on the grass either...only for pictures, then it gets an intense shaking/beat down. ;)

Lisa C said...

I am slowing overcoming my allergy to solids so I'd be excited to win this bundle. Thanks!

Janet M said...

I'm mostly familiar with Kona solids but I'm open to new things - especially it it's fabric! :>)Love your quilt - you've got me thinking about Courthouse Steps in a graphic way!

Carol said...

What a great use of the solids - I'm inspired!

barbara woods said...

great quilt, from the usa

Allison said...

Beautiful quilt! I am solids deprived since I always blow my whole fabric budget on crazy patterns. Makes for some pretty loud quilts!

carolann said...

Your quilt is fabulous! carolann427@aol.com

Crissa said...

Dunno why...but I'm kinda on a solids kick right now. I like the contrast in your blocks.

Donna Keating said...

So pretty.

Bec said...

Love that pattern. I agree with you...I'd have a really hard time putting a quilt on the ground for a picnic. lol

Kris said...

I have been thinking about working on a quilt with solids for awhile. Love the color combinations that you picked!

Anonymous said...

Love those courthouse steps!

Joyce said...

Love your color combos in all your quilts! Thanks for the chance to win!

Margo said...

I love the colors of your quilt! Looks like a lot of pieces to me! I'm the one who wants to do stuff FAST! Probably because it has taken me years to get back into my quilting! Love solids!

Unknown said...

Love the colors and the quilt.

Sherry VF said...

Love your Court House Squares in solids! Great choice. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Janie said...

Beautiful quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nelly Kelly said...

What a beautiful quilt! Thanks for the opportunity!

Domaris Foss. domarisfoss@gmail.com said...

Great quilt! Really enjoy the contrast of the solid colors with the white. Would love to win the fabric. Thanks.

Tamie said...

Love your courthouse steps. I need to give this one a try.

Sarah said...

I think that is probably how our grant grandmothers and aunts ended up displaying quilts on walls- it makes it harder for the men in our lives to drip stuff on them.
I would love to win a bundle of solids, I've not used RJR cottons before (I think everyone and their mother will be over the summer though!) so I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win!

WoodsWash Inc said...

I love these colors together, love this quilt!

house on hill road said...

your "design choices" are awesome! i love the colors in this quilt.

fenna said...

love it--and I'd be like you--couldn't bear to sit on it ;)

Dresden Lane said...

GORGEOUS!!!! I love this quilt and might have to copy you.

lindseykelly said...

such a great giveaway! Thanks. I love how modern the traditional blocks look!

Jessica said...

This is gorgeous! Adding courthouse steps to my "to do" list. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt!

juliehallfeldhaus said...

Love your quilt!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel L K said...

Wow! Lovely solids! And beautiful quilt!

Debbie Rogowski said...

I love these solids but I have yet to make a quilt with just solids. maybe I can try one like this. Thanks for the chance to win this collection too.

pippirose said...

I love the crisp, bright colours of your quilt. Gorgeous!
Thanks for the fab giveaway!

pippirose59 at gmail dot com

SeeAmySew said...

I'm gonna be shaded "Green with envy" if I don't win!!!! Such a beautiful quilt and love all the vibrant colors

Sarah said...

Beautiful, beautiful quilt! Your color combinations are fantastic! sarah@forrussia.org

Rachel said...

Love this quilt! So stunning and such a departure from what I'm normally drawn too! So thanks!!!

Mara said...

Love solids, and your little dash of sketch.

Diane said...

Great bundle!! thank you.

auschick said...

Love solids in a quilt!

Jocelyn said...

What a pretty quilt. The solids look great in that pattern. I've never used RJR solids so this bundle would be a fun win. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I think you made really good use of the solids in making this quilt. I love log cabin style quilts and this one is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

I love quilts made from all solids, and your quilt is beautiful! Thanks!


Carrie P. said...

Yes, yes, I would love to win. I am collecting solids so that I can make a quilt. Love yours. thanks for the giveaway

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

Beautiful solids! I like the way you used sqs to make diamonds. I don't do bias, but this way, I woudn't have to! Good pattern!

kathy said...

what a lovely quilt! pretty fabrics to work with!
wake board shopper at g mail dot com

tktl said...

Your quilt is so beautifully crisp and graphic!

t_ktl at yahoo.com

Bethany said...

Oh, this is a lovely bundle! Thanks for the chance to win! :) bethanymartini at aol dot com

Jess Burns said...

I want to make a picnic quilt, but I hear what you said about not wanting to put it in the grass - my fear is that if I made something it would stain, or I would be so scared that it would stain that I wouldn't use it!

Kelly Wilson said...

Nice color combo. I couldn't bear to put it on the ground either. Though keeping the cats off of it is its own problem. : )Thanks! notwendy gmail

Kathy Davis said...

I would love to win!
Kathy Davis

Theresa N. said...

Lots of pretty colors.
Theresa N

Sandra said...

Oh my goodness, those colours are just glorious. Such intensity. What a great pattern to put those together. thanks for the giveaway jjandarh@hotmail.com

Diana said...

Your take on the courthouse steps is so inspiring!

Vicki H said...

Colorful and beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing.

Peggy said...

Gorgeous quilt and fabric.

Anita said...

I need more solids in my life! Thank you for the chance to win some. I love your idea of grouping them in fours on your quilt. It turned out beautifully.

Joan H. said...

Those solids are certainly beautiful. I never seem to have enough of them

Afquilt said...

Love those colors, thanks for the chance!

Amy said...

Love solids! Your quilt is very pretty.

Ali said...

That's a great quilt! I'm not practiced at making all solid quilts yet, I think I need to work on this, they can look so lovely!

Unknown said...

Great quilt! I doubt I'd ever put in on the ground outside, either! pbstrand@msn.com

Brenda said...

What fun! I've been wanting to play with solids and this would be the perfect way to start.

Michele T said...

It seems that solid fabric has made a comeback and I can see why!!! Your quilt is gorgeous!!!

Chris said...

Love the colors! Chrishart80(at)gmail.com

KelseyMW said...

What a great collection of solids! Thanks for this giveaway!

Angela said...

Your quilt is fantastic! Thanks for a chance to win these solids and for sharing your awesome courthouse steps with us! angela.breaux@gmail.com

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Love your quilt. Planning a solids quilt right now. Winning would put me over the moon! Thanks!!

Mom C said...

Cute quilt. Isn't it funny how we are about our quilts. I try to divorce myself from the quilts I gift but it does really bother me when I see one stuffed in the trunk or being used as a rag. Then again, I just took off a lone star that is sewn and quilted so horribly I sincerely hope I never see it on a bed! It is the quilt from !@#**. Thanks.

Havplenty said...

Great quilt. i have yet to make an all solid quilt but it is on my list.


Mom C said...

We used to camp a lot until we bought a trailer and some mountain land to put it on. Now I can't get hubby to go anywhere! He loves his mountain. Thanks.

Mom C said...

We used to camp a lot until we bought a trailer and some mountain land to put it on. Now I can't get hubby to go anywhere! He loves his mountain. Thanks. Forgot the email. bc (underscore) hats (at) Hotmail (dot) com

Natalie F said...

I love the quilt you made and would love to try these fabrics. Thank you. natalie.k711(at)gmail(dot)com

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

What a fun quilt! I love the look of quilts made with solids!

Lisa England said...

What a lovely quilt! I haven't seen the RJR solids but I would love to have some to try!

Helen said...

Your quilt is stunning in its simplicity. Love the colors of the bundle!

Unknown said...

Great colors!

Sophie said...

Fabulous quilt

Miggsie said...

Love your courthouse steps - great color choices!

Karen said...

I've seen some inspiring courthouse steps lately. Maybe I'll have to give them a try. Thank you for sharing.

johnnyp said...

lovely quilt. I really like solids
cooladam1 at live dot com

Michele T said...

Your quilt is lovely!! I can see why solids have become so popular!!
micheletimms at gmail dot com

Diann said...

I'd have no problem using a quilt for a picnic. Quilts are washable after all!


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