June 17, 2014

Lights & Brights HST Quilt

Last week I found myself unable to finish anything because I'd run out of labels (my procrastination strikes again!!) so I decided to play with fabric instead. And before I knew it, I had 270 HSTs. There was some math, some cutting, a bit of sewing and tadaaa! It happens, whatever :) I've learned not to question my madness anymore.

How pretty is that?! It's ridiculous, really. All my favourite designers and colours... I used up some scraps I had lying around from other projects that were too large to just throw in the scrap bin yet too small to fold and put back into the stash. 

While waiting for the labels to arrive, I went basted, quilted and made a scrappy binding. How much do you love scrappy bindings??? I surely do. It's my favourite way to make binding. The day after I'd finished quilting, the blasted labels finally arrived :) Woohoo! 

And because I don't trust myself to stay on top of the label situation, I went ahead and ordered another batch. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. I've come to terms with this, everyone else should too :) 

Sigh. Pretty, pretty :)

[The quilt has already been sold.]


  1. Wow- it's gorgeous! You did a really nice job. Scrappy quilts are the best.

  2. Love scrap quilts too. And I wish I had as good a color sense as you do. I am probably going to be copying this one for sure.

  3. Beautiful quilt and photographs

  4. Guess what's brewing in my neck of the woods? HST's by the pound! Not sure how big it will get, but it's black and polka dots, making it for a camp for kids with cancer. Thanks for the motivation to keep working on it!

  5. Where do you purchase your labels?

  6. Congratulations on the sale. I love scrappy bindings - such a good way to use up bits of the leftover fabrics from a quilt, and I think they look great, too.

  7. Excellent quilt. The color(s)!!!

  8. Beautiful!! Like Cris, i'd like to know where you get your labels. :)

  9. Here, on the other hand, Winter has landed. hahaha Today's a typical winter day in my city. It's been raining on and off the whole morning. :p

    Have a wonderful day, dear! Enjoy!


  10. Hello, your quilt is gorgeous! I might end up copying it too. But I need to build up my stash, first. Could you give me more info on the book (the one with the pictures of the spools)? Thank you.

  11. Beautiful as always. Who do you order your labels from? There are so many vendors to choose from, I'd rather get them from a vendor who's labels someone has used before as I can't afford to waste money.

    Thank you!



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