April 15, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

One of my biggest thrills about a new house is finding out what's in store for us when Spring comes around. These flowers just popped up and every time I drive home, there's more yellowy gorgeousness greeting me. There's more on the other side of the front of the house, and it's all looking so beautiful :)

I didn't even see the hyacinth until I went to take pictures! That's how much I go walking outside lol! I LOVE them!! I hope there's more hyacinth to come because they smell so lovely.

Also, I can't say / think of hyacinth without thinking of the show Keeping Up Appearances. Anyone? Anyone?

Pretty, pretty, pretty :) What's blooming in your garden?


  1. "Keeping up Appearances" was my mom's favorite show..... and yes, Hyacinth does make me think of that.

  2. Unfortunately, we have a couple inches of new snow here in SE Michigan. I was happy to see that my brave crocuses survived but it's supposed to go down to the 20's tonight. I'll check on the poor babies tomorrow morning!

  3. Hyacinth Bouquet/Bucket - totally know what you are talking about. My next door neighbour's last name is Vile ... yes ... they have that on one of their car number-plates ... just after we moved in, my Dad said to them "Vile by name, Vile by nature? Or do you go by Vill-ay" ... oh good grief I was so embarrassed.

  4. Wow--two weeks from snow to those beautiful flowers! Very nice.


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